We have a large team of committed staff, all working together in order that all children achieve well within a safe and happy environment.
Mrs Dove, the Headteacher, has overall responsibility for the strategic leadership of the school. Ms. Bates and Mrs Legemah, the Deputy Heads, oversee day-to-day organisation. They are supported by the Senior Leadership Team.
We also have an Inclusion Team led by Mrs Christie and Mrs Fairman working across the school, supporting pupils and staff in meeting the needs of individuals and groups. This team includes; Mrs Ashworth, Ms Lewis, Ms Gurdere, Mrs Kucukoglu and Mrs Rich.
Most class teachers have additional responsibilities for areas of the curriculum, supporting teachers and monitoring quality of provision to ensure high standards.
Class teachers are:
Mrs Wood, Miss Grant, Miss Barter (SLT, English), Ms Rawlinson, Mrs Akinkugbe(SLT, EYFS), Miss McCue, Ms Clarke, Miss England, Mrs Partleton (Maths), Mrs Bent (Science), Miss Kirk, Miss McKenzie, Miss Byrne, Ms Rifatoglu, Mr Howes (Science), Miss Rivett, Miss Corbett, Ms Vidal, Mr Searle, Mrs Kemp(SLT, ICT), Mrs Fordy, Mrs Gordon (Maths), Mr Fogarty, Mrs Antionades, Ms McLean, Mrs Brewerton, Mrs Glees, Mr Wilkes, Mrs Joyce (English).
We have a large body of support staff working with children, either working alongside teachers or working with smaller groups of pupils targeting specific needs.
Our Teaching Assistants are:
Miss Lainey, Mrs Michael, Ms Younge, Miss Nash, Mrs Griste, Mrs Alliston, Mrs Garcia, Miss Thomas, Mrs Anderson, Mrs Adair, Mrs Andreou, Mrs Gustard, Mrs Barker, Mr Pearce, Mrs Whyte, Mrs Martin, Mrs Purcell, Mr Gomez, Mrs Jay, Mrs Whiting, Mrs Thurkle, Mrs Rajendram, Mrs Reeves, Mrs Louison, Ms Lena, Mr Deng, Ms McAllister, Mrs Poyser, Mrs Kola, Mrs Taylor.
The administration team in the office deals with a range of tasks including organising admissions to nursery and school, administering lunchtime arrangements and dealing with financial matters.
They are: Ms. Arnold – School Business Manager, Mrs Manso – School Business Manager, Mrs. Mulvanny – Finance & Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Akkara – Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Hampden – Administrative Assistant, Mrs. O’Connor – Administrative Assistant and Mrs. McDuell – Administrative Assistant.
Our premises officer, Maurice Manso, along with Ahmed Hassan (Premises Assistant) are responsible for the upkeep, safety and security of the school building and grounds.
We have a team of midday meal supervisors who ensure that children have safe and happy lunchtimes by supporting children while they are eating and keeping close supervision while they are playing.
And of course we have Angella Thomas (Lollipop Lady) and she’s also a Midday Meals Supervisor.