Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs from 7.45 am until 8.55 am and is held in the dining hall. Children must arrive at Breakfast Club by 8.15 am at the latest, after this time children will not be admitted. Entrance is via the school gate on Ardgowan Road.
The cost of the Breakfast club is £5 per day (£25 per week). This will include a breakfast of cereal (porridge in the winter), toast with jam/honey, fruit and a drink, and supervision for the hour.
How do I sign up my child for breakfast club?
If you would like your child to attend breakfast club please speak to staff in the office who will tell you if there is a space available. If breakfast
club is full your name can be put on a waiting list.
How much is it and what time does it open?
Breakfast club opens at 7:45 AM.
What sort of activities do the children do during breakfast club?
During the breakfast club there are a number of activities available including drawing, cutting, table- top games, imaginative play, books to read and
some larger games using PE equipment.
What foods are offered? My child has allergies, can this be accommodated?
The children are normally given cereal, toast and juice or milk, but they also have themed mornings where they may be offered pancakes, beans
or other special breakfast food.
What ages attend breakfast club?
Children can attend from Reception to Year 6.
Who runs the breakfast club?
Breakfast Club is run by four experienced teaching assistants who are all qualified paediatric first- aiders.
After school club
The cost of After School Wraparound Care is £12 per day (£60 per week) from 3.15pm until-6.00 pm, this includes a healthy snack, activities and supervision. Collection is via the school gate on Ardgowan Road.
All fees will be payable in advance, so if payment is not received your child will not be able to attend. Payment should be made online payment via Parentmail.
There are a limited number of subsidised places for children in receipt of free school meals. If you would like further information about this, please contact the School office.
When your place is confirmed to you, you will receive booking and payment instructions, together with a copy of our Terms and Conditions.