
Image result for esafety

We use the Internet to help us with our learning. We are also making sure we know how to:

  • use technology safely and respectfully,
  • keep personal information private,
  • identify where to go for help and support when we have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

Watch the video with your child and make sure they understand the SMART rules!



The https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ website is run by the  CEOP Agency. For the children there are videos, which can be a fun way to highlight and show how to be safe on the internet. There is also a Parent/Carer section to learn more yourself. Please click here to have a look.


The NSPCC website offers up-to-date advice that can help keep your child safe online, on social networks, and on apps and games. Please click here to visit the website.

The NOS website has lots of resources and support.

Parentzone is full of practical advice and news…..

OurPact is a simple family locator and parental control app that allows parents to locate family members and limit screen time by blocking internet and app access. Please click here to find out more.