
An overview of Sandhurst Primary Schools Complaints Procedure

Please be reassured that we always want to work with parents and carers to work together at Sandhurst Primary School to resolve any issues. Talking, listening, compromising and resolving issues quickly is always preferable. But in the very rare event that we are unable to resolve issues below sets out the process we will all work through.

  1. Informally make your class teacher aware of the problem

If not resolved move to:

  1. (Stage 1) Make a formal complaint to the Headteacher (unless it is about the Headteacher) via a phone call, email or in person.

If not resolved move to:

  1. (Stage 2) This will start a formal investigation, this process will start as soon as possible, but always within 5 days of the complaint.

If not resolved move to:

  1. (Stage 3) If the complainant is not satisfied they may request for the governing body to review the process.

If the complaint is about the headteacher or the complainant feels the headteacher has not dealt with the complaint reasonably then you move to:

Stage 1.  Speak to the headteacher about your concerns

If not resolved move to:

Stage2.  Put complaint in writing to the Chair of Governors, Chair will investigate.

If not resolved move to:

Stage 3.  Request a Governing Body review, a panel of 3 governors will form a complaints panel, then feed back to the complainant

If not resolved move to:

Making a representation to the Department for Education or OFSTED.

This document is a summary of our full complaints procedure. Please see our complaints policy for full details.
