Our Maths Passports

We are launching our new and updated Maths Passports to the whole school. Children have up to eleven passports to complete as they journey through the school and they are themed by continents and even outer space!

Maths passports are used to help children learn important maths facts that they should be able to recall off by heart, quickly and easily. These include counting in a given number, number bonds, times tables, division facts and adding and subtracting mentally.

Your child will receive a Maths Passport which has targets set at the level at which they are learning. This passport is kept in school, however a paper copy of the Maths Passport Targets will be sent home for extra mental maths practice at home.

Each child will be encouraged to work through the targets in their passport at their own pace. Your child’s progress will be checked by the teaching staff in school on a regular basis. As soon as a passport is completed, then your child will receive a certificate. A new passport will then be given to your child on which to start working.

If you have any questions about Maths Passports, please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher.

Good luck!

Mrs J Gordon and Ms L Meddemmen


The Winners of our “Design a Passport Certificate” Competition